Supported Residential Service

SRS Regulation

Kew SRS is a Supported Residential Service [SRS]. We are governed by the Supported Residential Services [Private Proprietors] ACT 2010. Our SRS is consistent with the principles set out in the act and our compliance is overseen by the Victorian Government Department of Health. The objective of this act is to provide the safety and well-being of residents living in private supported residential services.
KEW SRS senior living Victoria

Respite and Long-Term Accommodation

Respite Accommodation

Respite care accommodation is short term usually 1-4 weeks:

It is usually mainly used for:

  • Providing supported accommodation for relative while the family has a vacation or travels.
  • Providing rehabilitation or similar for a person recovering from a fall or other health issues
  • Providing post hospital recuperation prior to returning home
  • Giving an older person a break from having to care for themselves
  • Giving a relative from caring for their relative
  • As means of introducing an elderly person to what an SRS (Supportive Residential Services) can offer in readiness for a future move from independent living to supported accommodation.
